The bounce rate can be explained as the percentage who go back or leave your website after looking at your first page. It, therefore, is an important factor to improve the average user time that is spent on the site and therefore better conversion rate.
Read the following pointers:
1 Load page speed : This is a major reason for a high bounce rate but marketers often neglect it in order to save further technological investments. The loading speed of a page plays a great part. The website developments also needs to go for server changes depending on the traffic it gets at a particular time.
2 Engaging content : The users visit your website while looking for something they absolutely want. Make sure you give it to them. It is really necessary to keep the content on your website as per your users’ requirements. You may also upload engaging videos on your web pages which might help you increase the average time spent by your users on your page and ultimately reduce the bounce rate.
3 Everything on one page : Placing all the data on just one page confuses the user and leads them to bounce back from your website. It confuses your users. You should just lay emphasis on your key selling points, whatever it may be, like the prices you offer, the product quality, the credibility, or customer satisfaction. You can also add testimonials of actual customers to persuade the users.

4 Blank page or Technical error : If you notice that users leave your page within a second after clicking on it, there might be great chances that the page displayed to them is blank or is showing an error 404. Focus on fixing your URL issues if this is the case. You can use Google search Console to do it. Make sure your page works on every browser.
5 The site should be mobile friendly : According to reliable sources, it is found that 80% of the searches are done through mobile phones. always choose mobile friendly website. If not, your bounce rate is going to increase. Design your UI/UX in such a way that which is readable in mobile format.
6 Avoid pop ups : Too much pop ups irritate users and they bounce back right away because of it. Especially the mobile users hate pop ups as they cover the whole mobile screen which makes the user bounce back. You should consider using user behavior pop up or an exit pop up which will ensure that the users will not bounce back.
7 Create a compelling CTA : As per some reports, 47% of the websites having a compelling CTA that takes 3 seconds or less for the users to observe. After a user has reached your website after looking at the compelling title and content, you need to make sure that they don’t bounce back due to weak CTA.
8 Attracting wrong visitors : You need to target the right customers, the ones who might be interested in your brand. Those who are not even close to interested will bounce back, leading to a higher bounce rate. You need to make sure that the keywords you use have a good amount of search traffic.
9 Set external links to open in a new window : When you add social media or any other links make sure that when user clicks on them, they open in a new window otherwise this might increase your bounce rate too. Otherwise, as soon as they click on the link they will leave your page and the time spent on the page will be very less.

10 Analytics setup error : In case you checked all the above-mentioned pointers and corrected them and still getting a high bounce back rate, it is probably because you set the wrong settings for your analytics on your website. Checking that might help.
What do you think about the above pointers? Do let us know if you have any queries.