Content Creation and its Life Cycle | Bindu-Ra Digital

Content Creation and its Life Cycle

Content Creation - Bindura Digital Marketing Company

Content is King!! It’s not hidden from anybody and we all know this very well. Do we also realize that just content creation is not enough until you are able to market it well online with the right Content Market Strategy?

Truth prevails that Content creation is the first step in your entire strategy.

It’s a Process, so just be relaxed

Your marketing strategy and Goal can play a major role in understanding the best path for content creation. It is a time consuming process; don’t expect quick miracles but it will pay back in longer run. We all might have come across various examples from Big Brands, of their great work on defining and demonstrating commitment which has helped them building trust factor among their consumers. The proper content creation approach can help you in creating strong brand awareness and establish credibility. You should always remember that it should be shareable and off course re-shareable.

Content Creation for delivering manifold objectives:

  • Website Engagement to attract traffic and have repeated visitors
  • Social Engagement for sharing and re-sharing
  • Repeated Visitors to drive more traffic
  • Effective email marketing campaign for lead generation
  • Establish as an expert on topic to become authoritative
  • Links and Referrals from Influencers in the industry

Content Creation Life Cycle:


You should subscribe and follow the best content platforms on your topic. Keep upgrading yourself by reading Blogs, Newsletters, following social channels and related websites. You can also follow authentic press release sites to gather more information and make it an integral part of your research. Keep a close eye on Competitors’ activities and try to enhance your research.

  • Signup on Blogs, Newsletters, RSS Feeds
  • Subscribe and Follow Social Channels
  • Read various latest Press Releases
  • Read Research Reports created by Influential People


The topic for Content Creation depends on the target audience. You should understand the best influential people in the industry. You can curate whitepapers, reports and case studies along with your own opinion. You can also create various types of content:

  • Blogs, Articles, Press Release Content
  • Slideshare presentation (PPT. PDF, etc)
  • Guides/Ebooks/Case Studies
  • Video for Youtube/ Vimeo
  • Webinar(Pre-Content/Presentation/Post Content)


A well-researched curated content needs to be published on right platforms so that it can get proper engagement. You should share on platforms experiencing more engagement by your target audience. This will ensure resharing of your published content.

You can publish such contents by:

  • Arranging for Guest Bloggers on Industry relevant sites
  • Sending Newsletters via email
  • Social networks
  • Sharing on Webinars

Content Curation and Content marketing is hence done with a specified objective to be achieved. It is important for you to learn, understand, and focus on your audience behavior, their likes and dislikes. This will surely help in establishing USP and Value of your brand.

Content Creation value in content marketing planning

Our team of experts works out on the detailed content creation strategy, with the help of the internal team of the client to have a final Content Marketing Plan. We always try to convince our clients to focus on Content Creation by letting them know its importance. We help them understand the value of Investment and ROI in mid and long term. In few cases, if we find that there is limitation of Budget at client’s side, even then we help them to curate content and get it published in media once they can afford.

It is important to understand that any content created should be linked to the BRAND communication guidelines. Your content should be useful to your audience and it should provide detailed message to your audience. If you can afford to spend valuable time to gather, analyze, filter, develop the content and finally you and others can share or Re-share it, you will be able to build value for your brand.

JUST focus on optimizing the content for your audience and rest will automatically follow.

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