The State of SEO 2021 | Bindu-Ra Digital

Search Engine Optimization

The State of SEO 2021

SEO Services company in Mumbai

Being a pro at SEO requires staying updated about latest trends and keeping oneself equipped with the latest technology. It can be difficult to keep in pace with the Google and Bing policies and algorithms which are changed monthly, but a constantly evolving digital frontier is what makes it so much fun.

An expertise in Search Engine Optimization is in great demand these days as it can help businesses achieve new heights and enable new non-profit organizations to increase their network and spread their message of social good to a large group of people and find more supporters.

SEO is one of the most crucial tools which helps in digital growth of a business and a brand’s key to survive in highly competitive cloud based global market place. In order to be well known online, Search Engine Optimization is the most effective tool which depends on a plethora of factors.

State-of-SEO- Bindura Digital



At SMX West, the grand search marketing conference on the west coast, Google revealed that it that its taking actions on 65% of the spam reports.

The leading SEO industry influencers shared their experiences and their learning in an interesting and fun manner. The attendees witnessed breakthroughs in search advertising, engaging SEM discussion panels and the legendary Google dance party at Googleplex headquarters.

One of those participants was Juan Felipe Rincon, who works at Google, who revealed during the discussion that their team receives over 35000 spam requests by users and they were currently attending to 65% of them, which is a huge number even for a Tech Giant like Google.

The SEO discussion at the “Google Manual Actions” panel also explained that users who consistently submit high-quality spam reports will be more inclined to receive an attentive response on new submissions.


Cyber Caliphate Army (CCA), the ISIS backed hacker group, announced that it intends to hack Google services last week, they even fulfilled their intentions. While trying to go after Google, they mistakenly used their strategy to shut down an Indian SEO company which tried to incorporate Google’s name in their company’s name as a move of marketing. This and many cases like this are the reasons why cyber security is an important issue to address and the urgent need to come up with some solid measures to follow.

Also, isn’t it hilarious how CCA went after the world’s largest tech giant, showing it off, trying to portray such attacking image and ended up taking down a small company?


Recently, Facebook undertook Google as the highest referral traffic generating site via image and video content worldwide. Facebook also invested a huge capital in their internal search system. With over 1 Billion active daily users, Facebook has made umpteenth number of changes and up-gradations in their functionalities in the past few months. This step is drastically improving their search function.

Though the SEO is still carried out primarily through quality content marketing proper site architecture by Google, social media networks are going to give it a try as well. The SEO arena can be changed forever.

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